Monday 14 October 2019

Reflection of Edgar Dale's cone of experience 

  This is Edgar Dale's cone of experience and as we can see there are different kinds of methods on which the students can learn. According to Edgar Dale's cone of experience, learners retain more information on what they are doing if they themselves can do it compared to if they just hear it or see it.
     Base from my experience, i really think that Edgar Dale’s cone of experience is very important to us, learners because we do remember or retain information if we ourselves do it and the cone also contains strategies that can cater the needs of the learn. 
   This cone of experience is also very helpful in my studies especially that my major in Biological Science and we really do need some concrete information that is why our laboratory allows us to discover and demonstrate the information that we acquired and it is very helpful because it retains in our minds longer.
    As future educators, we should consider Edgar Dale’s cone of experience in delivering our lesson to the students because not all students have the same learning strategy and I am pretty sure that not all of the students are fun of verbal symbols all the time. 
     To retain the students learning longer we must deliver our lessons using Edgar Dale’s cone of experience because it can cater all the learning strategies of the students, you can catch their attention easily, they will participate in your discussion and most of all they will retain the lessons longer.
     The cone of experience is a visual models, a pictorial device that presents band of experience arrange according to degree of abstraction and not degree of difficulty.  The farther you go from the bottom of the cone, the more abstract of experience becomes.
The learner learning experiences can be strengthen when they are involved in learning process.  On the basis of these objectives, the teacher select the appropriate teaching method to be used and, in turn, base on the teaching method selected, chooses also the appropriate learning experiences, and  appropriate materials, equipment and facilities.  The effective use of learning resources is dependent on the expertise of the teacher as motivator, the motivation level or responsiveness, and the involment of the learners in the learning process.
The system is theoritically simple but it need more practice, the teacher should formulate a lesson objective that fit to the need of the learner, the teacher should select the subject in consideration with the learning resources.
The Dale Cone of Experience illustrate the phase or elements are connected to one another.  If one element of instruction fails, the outcome which is learning is considered affected.  The attainment of the learning objective is dependent upon the elements and all actors involved in the process.

Reflection of ASSURE Model
   ASSURE model is a instructional system or guidelines that teachers can use to develop lesson plans, the use of technology and media. The ASSURE model places focus on the teacher and the overall outcome of accomplishing learning objectives.
   The ASSURE Model an enriched  evolution of the ADDIE's general model. Although ASSURE model has six steps which do not exactly correspond to ADDIE's five, ASSURE also present design phases, and shares with it the two main features : The initial focus on Analysis and the cyclic structure. 
  This model focuses on planning and conducting instruction that incorporates media. According by Robert Heinich and Michael Molenda develop decades ago, the ASSURE model gained popularity because of its use in a popular textbook for educators. 
    The ASSURE model was modified to be use by teacher in classroom. The prefer the ASSURE model because it is designed to be used for few hours of instruction and for each individual student.
       I learn that te assured model of focuses on the learner, not the teacher using behaviours the reflect real world concerns. It gives guide and steps according to how should be taught in benefit the students interest in heart.
     The assure model is accurate and current giving clear instructions about what students get engaged and getting involve in the subject area being taught. The assure model lesson plan in guarantees that the objectives of the lesson will be met throughout the class. Integrating technology into the curriculum is the best way to make a positive difference in education. There are many specific strategies that can be used to incorporate technology into our lesson. The assure model can be used as a guide to integrate technology into your future lesson.
   The assure process is really just a matter of common sense. However it is good to follow a regimented guide to improve your teaching technique. Any effective teacher knows that the perfection of their technique. The assure process you will be sure to improve your teaching for many years to come.
     The assure model provides an alternative approach to the getting of learning environment of a classroom. Keeping in mind. These components can guide teachers in preparing lesson that are beneficial to the students.


Reflection of TPACK model 

 TPACK consists of three essential knowledges technological, pedagogical and content and four integrated knowledges from combining these three essential knowledges. Pri studies suggested that the essential should be be examined before comprehensive research on TPACK.
   In the present study, the technological, pedagogical and content knowledge were investigated for high school teachers in Taiwan. The TPACK framework was introduced by Punya Mishra And Matthew J. Kochler or Michigan state University in 2006. 
     TPACK framework is important for every teacher to understand the concepts of TPACK because our world is becoming more more technologically advanced. Students are used to having technology in their daily lives and constant stimulation they provide. 
     I as a educators or future teacher have a responsibility to my students and my school to be that effect teacher, who knows how to provide students with excellent education in the 21st century. 
     The TPACK framework seek to assist the development of better techniques for discovering and describing how technology related professional knowledge is implemented in practice by content, pedagogy technology, contexts and their interactions educators are in better position to understand the variable in level technology integration occurring.
    In addition the TPACK framework offers several possibilities for promoting research in teacher education teacher professional development and teacher's use of technology.
       It offers option for looking at a complex phenomenon like technology integration in ways that are now amenable to analysis and development. It allow teacher, researcher and teacher educators to move beyond oversimple approaches that treat as an add-on instead to focus again, and ina more ecological way, upon the connections among technology, content and pedagogy, as they play out in classroom.

References :

Saturday 14 September 2019

Status of ICT integration in education in south east Asian 

The South East Asian ministers of education organisations recognise and give attention on the importance of ICT to give knowledge sharing of ICT know use and experiences. 

Encourage us to people who live in this century to develop more and improve the competencies in ICT literacy as well information. 
This status of ICT integration in South East Asian country, providing data's and conduct preliminary surveys on the status of ICT integration in education in the SAMEO member countries. 
Good thing of this article provides data's and information about the status of ICT integration in education. 

Therefore, SAMEO member countries are very different stages of integrating ICT in education, there are country already transforming stage and there are some countries that have started out integrating ICT in education. 

Action plan
We must develop ICT in education in order for use to complete those countries who are more knowledge using their ICT. 

Thursday 12 September 2019


'' IMPACT OF ICT IN HIGHER EDUCATION 21st in century '' 
A reflective writing for : RA no. 10844

Republic Act No. 10844otherwise known as the Department of Information and Communications Technology Act of 2015, which was signed into law on 23 May 2016. 
RA no. 10844 '' shall be the primary policy of planning, coordinating, implementing of the executive branch of the government that plan developand promote the national Information Communication Technology development agenda. 

DICT shall provide opportunity and shall focus on the ff. Areas such policy and planning.,improve public access resource sharing and capacity building, consumer protection and industry development. 

It is good that the department of education, has a department of ICT, to promote individual ICT development because in some other countries, they had already implemented ICT in their education, and government. 
This RA no. 10844, it better for our nation to have this act, to emphasis specific vital role of information Communication Technology in nation building. 
Implement this act, therefore ra 10844 create an act to have the power in introducing ICT in different schools for furthers enhance of ICT. 

Action plan 
In 21st century generation we must to adoptand more gain knowledge about the use of ict. They must be actually learned in this newest tools, that provide our country growth of economy in the Philippine .


Wednesday 11 September 2019

'' ICT implementation in the Philippine'' A reflective writing for :Philippine ICT Road map 

The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) and global non-profit organization Internet Society came up with the country’s information and communications technology roadmap which will guide the development of the Philippine digital ecosystem. Philippine strategic roadmap for information and communications technology sector. Empowering a nation through ICT. 
It can improve the quality of human life because it can be used as a learning and education media, the mass communication media in promoting and campaigning practical and important issues, such as the health and social area. It provides wider knowledge and can help in gaining and accessing information. 

This roadmap would let philippine to be developed nation to be a world class ICT sector. Philippine can move modernize ICT sector comparing to other nation. 
The best thing in this Acticle, as a student, shall adopted a implement by the entirety country especially provide philippines opportunities. This Idea of the Philippine ICT road map would be applicable i every school since, ICT help to instructor and expert may gain more knowledge. 

Therefore this article aims the country to develop strategies and programs in the form of policies and implementation plans. ICT serve as a master guide plan.
Action plan
As a Filipinos we must to adopted and learned ICT as a good tools for developing modern and uplifting our country economic standard.

'' Highlight s on ICT for basic education '' A reflective writing for : DepED ICT4e strategic plan


DepED ICT4e strategic plan

Through this DepED ICT4E Strategic Plan, we will transform learners to be proficient, adaptable life-long learners with ICT playing a major role in creating a new and improved model of teaching and learning where education happens anytime, anywhere. ICT world wide originally or technology essentially transform the way people live. 
DepED ICT4e is useful now a days it has necessary to make ti's strategic plan, especially in teachers because it is one the major way to accessing their students. 
DepED ICT4e strategic plan, it will transform learners to be proficient, adaptable life long learners with ICT. Playing a major role in creating a new and improved model of teaching and learning where education happens anytime, anywhere. 
I realise that DepED ICT4e strategic plan, it can lead by the teacher to their student that they more interested the way it come of teaching process. 
The successful implementation from the DepED, which is the ICT4e strategic plan, will lead to a new in education. But this plan needs more cooperation among the higher members in education to have a successful and compulsory implementation of ict to the learners. 
Action plan 
The DepED must be strictly in implementing to the ICT4e strategic plan. To produce globally competitive learners and skills gain knowledge human resources. Reference

Reflection of Edgar Dale's cone of experience    This is Edgar Dale's cone of experience and as we can see there are differen...